Friday 26 August 2022

Booked on a Feeling by Jayci Lee

This is a sweet book with characters to love and descriptions of food to make you salivate. I really wanted to give it five stars, but there were a couple of issues. It did, apparently, have an editor. It's... not noticeable.

There are passages of head-hopping that I had to read over to get the gist, which pulled me out of the story. POV changed between scenes, giving me literary whiplash. And there were mistypes (him instead of her is the stand-out instance)

It's such a shame, because other than these problems, it's a lovely book. It deserved more time being polished.

Friday 12 August 2022

Friday Kiss - Stars

#FridayKiss is a hashtag for romance writers to share a line from their work - either finished or in progress. Each week has a theme and snippets should either contain the word or be inspired by it.

This week I'm again sharing from my wip TURN ON THE STARS, and I've skipped ahead to where Richard is showing Martine his, um, equipment.

Her irritation lasts until he’s positioned her behind the telescope and run through the basics, because once she sees the sparkling ribbon of the Milky Way, all she can feel is wonder.

Be sure to tune in next week for another installment!